Monday, October 15, 2007

27 Reasons to Increase Leschi Bus Service

Ok, I only have three reasons but I'm talking about the 27 route. Remember... earlier this month a Metro representative said that with ridership at only 1,500/day they would not increase service on the 27 route over the next five years.

My intrepid reporting proves otherwise. Last Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday I took three different buses... the one that gets downtown at 7:45, 8:10 and 8:30AM. They are all standing room only by 16th & Yesler (about 1/2 way through the route)... with about ten stops to go before 4th and Pine. The pictures are grainy from my sub-par cellphone, but what they all "show" is that if you're going to be on a full bus and probably standing if you want to ride.

Monday -- 8:10

Tuesday -- 7:45

Wednesday -- 8:30

So what is going to get someone new to ride the bus that can drive a car for not much more cost... you know the discretionary riders.... by increasing service.

[where: 98122]

1 comment:

Katie said...

Would Proposition 1 helped with the bus service?