Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Give it a Whrrl

I just signed up for a Facebook-like application called Whrrl. What makes the site unique is that it's more about connecting users locally than virtually. It is centered around a map and your mobile phone -- so (for example) it makes it easy to ask your network to meet up at a certain place and time and the meeting details are distributed to your friends' phones.

Whrrl has a feature for rating and reviewing restaurants. On the heels of my post Friday that Leschi, Madrona & Madison Park residents aren't as likely to connect locally online as Cap Hill residents, Whrrl confirms this trend.

Although there are 1,000 Seattle residents using this site and dozens (probably hundreds -- I didn't count) of businesses rated there was only one rated in any of those neighborhoods -- the tasty Meskel -- of which I wrote one of my only restaurant reviews.

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