Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Robots will make Seattle Beautiful

Just when you thought Seattle was getting too dirty, the friendly cordless robots will save us. Meet "Bobby" -- the Big Belly Solar Compactor

Here's the story on how I meet Bobby.
I was riding the 27 Monday morning, minding my own business, listening to my antique iPod mini until I arrived at my destination on 3rd and Pike.

I stepped off the bus, only to be confronted by a giant solar-powered, garbage eating robot: The Big Belly Solar Compactor, or as I like to call my new pal, Bobby. Here is a picture of Bobby.

Like an orchid, just give it sunlight (and instead of water, garbage) and Billy will be happy as a clam. If you want to see Bobby in action, here is a link to a Video Demonstration of Bobby in action. I HEART BOBBY.

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