Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Eating Local in Leschi

This spring Katie and I, on vacation in Manhattan, were very interested in a restaurant which bragged about how everything on the menu was local. They went out of there way to say how local they were. So my wife and I went because we are a little nuts about that stuff -- and we have a high bar.

Some things on the menu were from a nearby farm but the first thing I noticed on the menu was Florida Grouper, which struck me as decidedly non-local and I couldn't take the restaurant's marketing seriously after that.

If I wanted to eat only local in Leschi, that would be impossible (I think) because my garden isn't large enough, there isn't any farmland and there may be a pea-patch or two but not enough for the whole community... so I started to research a few organizations which could help me think about a sustainable Seattle, and here are a few sites to check out.

Institute for Local Self-Reliance -- with an interesting climate change article that says Seattle is a good city WRT carbon footprint per capita -- more on this later b/c I'm either not buying it or I wonder what the hell is going on in other cities if Seattle is an example for the world.

Sustainable Seattle -- unfortunately, it looks like their homepage post is 2 years old... not sure yet, need to read more

Slow Food Seattle -- I dig it -- unique foods -- but the first one I saw them promote is a Peruvian potato... so not indigenous but am not sure that's their focus.

interested in your links/comments if you know of other good ideas...

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