Thursday, November 1, 2007

Where Have All the Trick-or-Treaters Gone?

Maybe the neighborhood was too scary...

But last night there were only 6 children... and 8 adults (?!) that stopped by the Leschi Manor for Hot Tamales and Nestle Crunch, a large drop from last year. Perhaps the apple juice in '06 (after running out of candy) wasn't such a hot idea after all. Or maybe it's all these steep hills around our house.

At least we recieved a visit from Spider-Man and from Yoda, who in this photo is conjuring Halloween spirits while uttering: "Halloween, is it? What know you of Halloween? For 800 years have I tricked and treated."


Editor said...

we had ONE visitor. it may be that most parents choose to send their kids to the top of the hill for the merchant sponored trick or treating there. it may be that most parents are too lazy to trick or treat, or to paranoid to let their kids go on their own. what is the world coming to.

Heather said...

Next time you post a Yoda pic, you're gonna have to talk to his agent.