Saturday, September 8, 2007

More on the Central Area Neighborhood Plan

Interesting anecdote from the 1992 Central Area Neighborhood Plan:

As if Seattle doesn't need another reminder of the snail's pace at which it is dealing with transportation issues. Excerpt from the Transportation section

The primary transportation issues that have not been adequatly addressed in the transportation plan is how Central Area residents, employees end [sic] students will be served by the Regionef[sic] Transit Authority and potentially by the proposed Monorail expansion. Resolution of where these systems will be located is outside the scop of this plan, but the intent remains to ensure that there be excellent connection" from the Central Area to any futhre stations of these high capacity systems.


I'm still getting up to speed on this neighborhood planing initiative. On Thursday I was complaining about Leschi being ignored as a separate city area and also that the plan was 15 years old. Well, upon doing some research from what I can tell it was supposed to be a 20-year plan. Oh well... I should learn to read someone their miranda rights before shooting.

More to come as I get through the entire neighborhood plan and get going on writing down my observations from the Leschi Community Council meeting earlier this week.

[where: 98122]

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